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Chromaviso's employees pose with Christmas hats in front of Chromaviso's logo in a Christmas picture
Ane EskildsenDecember 18, 2015< 1 min read

Merry Christmas from Chromaviso - a brief look back at 2015

2015 has been an incredible year for us – let's take a look at the most important highlights.

Several of the new, large hospital projects in Scandinavia, such as Skejby, Karlstad, and Aabenraa Psychiatric Hospital, have selected our health-promoting lighting solutions. We have worked hard to meet the high expectations and can now, at the end of the year, confidently state that our customers have received reliable lighting solutions with proven effectiveness for both individual highly specialized operating rooms and entire hospitals.

In 2015, the healthcare sector also noticed our newest lighting solution: Ergonomic Circadian Lighting, which is based on the extensive development and a clinically validated light protocol. The feedback we receive across somatics, psychiatry, and care shows that lighting positively impacts sleep, energy, behaviour, and appetite. This confirms to us that the lighting solution is very promising and makes a difference.

All of this could not have been achieved without the good daily dialogue and collaboration with our users, customers, and partners. We look forward to an eventful 2016 and are excited for continued collaboration.

Many holiday greetings from the Chromaviso team.