The Power of Complementary Colours in Ergonomic Lighting
Chroma Zona ergonomic lighting is composed of coloured and white light, specifically ...
What is flicker and why should we pay attention to it?
We have probably all experienced flicker at some point, where we see a flickering light ...
Light, Mood and Treatment: From Ancient Greece to Today
Light is crucial for our physical existence and life, but it is equally essential for our ...
What is the Difference Between Ergonomic and Monochromatic Lighting?
Chroma Zona ergonomic lighting is not simply red or green, although it may initially ...
What are the consequences of a poor lighting design?
Almost all of our bodily processes depend on the alternation between light and darkness – ...
Amber-colored nightlight: A solution tailored to fit all needs
An essential component of circadian lighting is the amber-colored night setting, which ...
What is Melanopic EDI?
In simple terms, Melanopic EDI, which stands for Melanopic Equivalent Daylight ...
How Do Our Eyes Regulate Our Circadian Rhythm?
For a long time, researchers have been trying to understand what controls our circadian ...
What is light?
Light is the essence of life. Without the sun's light, we would have no plants, no food, ...
What is The Difference Between Natural Light and Artificial Light?
In our everyday lives, we are surrounded by a myriad of different light sources. Perhaps ...