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Healthworker standing in an operating theatre with ergonomic lighting
Mette Kuhlmann FrandsenFebruary 7, 20172 min read

Enhancing Endoscopy Examinations with Ergonomic Lighting

At Gävle County Hospital, they have five endoscopy rooms and one ERCP room equipped with Chromaviso Ergonomic Lighting. This innovative solution was implemented in 2016 and has been tailored to suit the different room designs, the staff's work routines, and the various examinations conducted.

High priority on the workplace environment

— We use Ergonomic Lighting every day, for the majority of examinations and procedures. We are extremely satisfied with it, explains endoscopist Jennie Sjöström.

Over the past few years, the department has experienced a significant increase in the number of treatments, now reaching over 5000 examinations and procedures annually. This emphasizes the high priority placed on the workplace environment.

— I feel much more energized in the afternoon. There's a significant difference between our old, regular lighting and Ergonomic Lighting, shared Christina Strömberg, a healthcare assistant.

Improved screen image

During endoscopy examinations, the screen image is crucial, and hours spent in front of a screen can strain both the eyes and the head. This is where Ergonomic Lighting plays a vital role, as the evidence-based green colour helps relax the eyes. Additionally, Chromaviso's light calibration optimally enhances the contrasts on the screen. With the coloured light settings of Ergonomic Lighting, there are no reflections on the screens. The screen image is improved, providing increased safety during procedures.

According to Jennie Sjöström, the coloured light settings in Ergonomic Lighting eliminate screen reflections, resulting in a better screen image and increased safety during procedures.

Doctor and nursing performing an endoscopic procedure on a patient in an operating theatre with ergonomic lighting

Lighting Zones

Ergonomic Lighting divides the room into multiple lighting zones that support the workflow before, during, and after procedures. In addition to the coloured green and red lighting zones, there is a white zone for tasks such as anaesthesia and other responsibilities.

— We use Ergonomic Lighting, for example, during medication dosing, preparation, and registration – the zone division is important here. It is easy to adjust the lighting, explains healthcare assistant Christina Strömberg.

The light settings

The lighting is controlled through a control panel with six pre-programmed light settings. The 'cleaning' setting and 'patient in/out' are the two settings intended for before and after treatment, and there are four light settings intended for during the treatment, which are selected depending on the examination and the placement of the screens.

The light settings have been developed in collaboration with the staff and are based on Chromaviso's many years of experience. The different light settings make it possible to choose the exact setting that suits the examination.

Doctor and nurse watching over a patient

Ergonomic Lighting in Scandinavia

Chromaviso introduced the concept in 2006, and today, more than 100 hospitals across Scandinavia have implemented Ergonomic Lighting for procedures such as endoscopy, laparoscopic surgery, and medical imaging. This evidence-based solution has garnered a 97% user satisfaction rate and has been proven to reduce fatigue and improve the working environment. With top-quality products that offer high efficiency and reliability, Chromaviso's Ergonomic Lighting has become the go-to choice for healthcare facilities.

The technical delivery

Ergonomic Lighting is a turnkey concept where Chromaviso takes care of the entire process, including design, technical delivery, and user training.

— The implementation process has remained on track for all stages, despite challenging circumstances at times. From my perspective, Chromaviso demonstrates a high level of expertise and knowledge, making them a trustworthy and competent provider, explains Per Eriksson, Project Manager in the electrical installation company Assemblin.

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