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Surgeons look at a screen during surgery while Chromaviso's ergonomic light can be seen in red and green color tones in the background
Ane EskildsenFebruary 9, 2015< 1 min read

Ergonomic Lighting in New Endoscopy Department at Hvidovre Hospital

The newly constructed endoscopy department at Hvidovre Hospital, which was inaugurated before Christmas, boasts twelve examination rooms equipped with the latest high-tech equipment. Lighting is one of the factors that contribute to creating an improved work environment in the new surroundings.

According to Abelone Dyrup, the project manager for the construction of the new endoscopy department, prioritizing lighting was essential to provide patients with a comfortable stay and the staff with optimal working conditions.

— We have made efforts to address the dim lighting on the floor by implementing control over the artificial light sources to create the perfect environment. Skylights have been installed to bring natural daylight into the department. Additionally, the examination rooms are equipped with Ergonomic Lighting, which offers the best working conditions when using screens and scopes, she explains about the solution.